How to join dark brotherhood oblivion
How to join dark brotherhood oblivion

how to join dark brotherhood oblivion

The Fighter's Guild and Mage's Guild quests are both basically the same thing (go here and kill this person) - I completed the Mage's Guild quests hardly casting a single spell a sword was all I needed. I think you have to have played the whole thing through to have "completed" it. Yvxr gur bar jurer lbh trg ybpxrq va n ubhfr jvgu fbzr thlf, naq unir gb zheqre gurz bar ng n gvzr. Oh come on, there were some really imaginative quests in it. I prefer RPGs where there is backstory that is easy to read and relevant and I don't think Oblivion provides that. I'm not a big fan of Oblivion, tho I have completed most of the quests. The biggest con to me was the amount of traveling and fetch quests involved with the DB plot. If you're in the low teens, it might be challenging and some rewards may benefit you. If you do it at a high level, you have the good shit already.

how to join dark brotherhood oblivion

If you do it at a low level, a dagger is all you need. On its own, the DB quests aren't that great, the storyline is meh, and as others have said, quest rewards in this game are fairly lame.

how to join dark brotherhood oblivion

The DB quests are only good because the other quests really, really stink. The main quest is a stupid, time-wasting piece of shit compared to the DB sidequest arc and in fact most of the sidequest arcs. I enjoyed playing a fighter/thief in Morrowind because it seemed to open up so much more (literally), but I must say I enjoy the way my character looks in heavy armor. The game really demands a second playthrough. Then probably back to the main quest for a while, or do the Knights of the Nine, as I doubt I'll be very successful in the Thieves or Mages Guild. I'm thinking it'll probably make sense to become a Fighters Guild champion first and then hit the arena. I've only done a small bit of exploring so far, and I haven't even seen the Arena. It was around this point that I just started exploring and unlocking the map. By this point in Morrowind, I was mostly through both the Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild line (I was doing them simultaneously), and a good way into the main quest. To be frank, I'm surprised at how much time I have in and how little I've actually done. I'll probably do it after I finish the main quest, if it's still an option. I didn't want to spoil anything reading a walkthrough. Thanks for the advice on the tone/theme of the line.

How to join dark brotherhood oblivion