Kingdom come deliverance housing
Kingdom come deliverance housing

kingdom come deliverance housing kingdom come deliverance housing

Head over to the holy building and speak with Godwin who will eventually ask you to meet him at the tavern. Shockingly, he can be found in the church.

kingdom come deliverance housing

The bailiff will point you in the direction of Godwin, the town priest. Speak with the bailiff near the door, then head inside the house to find Limpy has been killed. Once you arrive at Limpy’s house, you’ll notice there are already a mob of people just outside. You’ll have to choose if you want to go alone to his house, or follow along with a mob of people. Head to the tavern and speak with people there until you’re directed toward Limpy’s residence. Your first task is to find Limpy Lubosh in Uzhitz. The Mysterious Ways quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance begins after you complete the Ginger in a Pickle quest.

Kingdom come deliverance housing