Game platypus 2
Game platypus 2

Mungola’s defense force consists only of a single squadron of fighter planes – the F-27 Platypus. Since Mungolans are simple, earthy types they don’t expect much of a struggle. The Collostropolan leaders have decided to solve the problem by invading the neighboring country of Mungola. Save these for when you need them, the moments it stuns, you can hit some really good graze shots.Not an American user? DescriptionThe big city of Collosatropolis has reached the limits of its expansion. The stun from the Buzzer/EBK makes it easy to line up graze shots, as well as get headshots to activate aggressive reload aced, allowing for incredibly quick reloads.

  • Speculator Sight (Once again personal preference on sight, pick any you like).
  • Speedpull Magazine (Increased reload and +8 rounds in the magazine, no reason not to pick it up).
  • Custom Built Frame (I like it, visually appealing).
  • Compact Laser Module (With the rest of the mods, we hit 100 stability, so we pick this up only for the laser).
  • Auto Fire (We’re always going to be firing in Auto, and the Stability boost is helpful).
  • Accuracy Boost (We hit 100 stability, just boosting accuracy).
  • The Bigger The Better Suppressor (Stability and Accuracy boost from The Professional).
  • Compact Laser Module (Really doesn’t matter too much, just anything that gives lasers to help with aiming).
  • Speculator Sight (Any, really, my personal preference is the Speculator).
  • Total Ammo Boost (Since we hit 100 accuracy, the boost of ammo is no brainer, since it gives us more to shoot).
  • Beak Suppressor (For the accuracy/stability boost of The Professional).
  • Then in Ghost what’d you’d expect, mobility skills, Supressor skills with HVT, and of course, Nine Lives aced. Technican has the weirdest placements, Hardware Expert basic for faster drill repairs, but Oppressor skills up to Lock N’ Load basic, we pick this for the Mark 10, mostly, as we can armourgate while running, if we hit shots while moving. In Enforcer, typical stuff, Resilience aced for flashbangs, Die Hard to tank more while interacting and Bullseye aced to build armour. Typical build, in Mastermind we have Inspire aced with Doctor Bags for your teammates, Joker skills to get two shot armour on Anarchist, as well as to give you some extra meatshields and basic Sniper skills.

    game platypus 2

    Anarchist is a personal favourite of mine, not requiring too many skills to make work well and being generally easy to pick up to just kill stuff with.

    Game platypus 2