Obviously, this doesn't happen in any ending that isn't the Worst Ending. He needs the Dragonborn to indulge in their worst vices (in gameplay terms, achieve less than 50 karma) so that he can use them as an Unwitting Pawn to escape to Aetherius and to some extent seems to expect it due to the Dragonborns dragon soul.
Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: A major component in why Molag Bal's plan falls apart in any ending that isn't the Worst Ending. This having been said, Morihaus is still depicted as a demi-god with the power of the thu'um & strong enough to lift a giant with one hand, and both he & Belharza tower over other humans. Belharza even scoffs at the notion that Alessia would "open her legs for a beast", and suggests the myth was Ayleid propaganda to smear his family. The mod depicts them both as human, with the idea of Morihaus being a minotaur coming from the fact that he never took off is armor, which was fashioned to look like a minotaur, in front of people. Demythification : In Elder Scrolls lore, Morihaus is described as a "winged bull man" & his son, Belharza, as one of the first minotaurs.